Meet 2020 Poet-Athlete Laureate: April Barrios-Escobar

April Barrios-Escobar. 2020 America SCORES Bay Area Poet-Athlete Laureate.

April Barrios-Escobar. 2020 America SCORES Bay Area Poet-Athlete Laureate.

Fourth-grader April Barrios-Escobar from E.R. Taylor Elementary School in San Francisco is one of America SCORES Bay Area’s four 2020 Poet-Athlete Laureates. These exceptional poets were the 2020 winners of their regional poetry slams and were selected for their outstanding poetry and inspiring spoken word performances.

SCORES poet-athlete laureates serve as ambassadors in their communities and will be encouraged to share their words through local, regional, and national poetry events, contests, and publications.

April presented her poem “In Other Words” during National Poetry Month on KALW Radio.

”In Other Words” by April Barrios-Escobar

In other words

standing on the sun 

In the windy day

dreaming about something

I jump off the sun

And I land on a garden with flowers

I smell the flowers

then I walk away

And find a house

Inside the house

There is food

I eat it

And I leave

I follow the  path of footprints that are big

And I end up seeing a mammoth

He is tall

I climb on him

And I ride all the way to Mexico

And The path ended

I went home

And ate

And went fast asleep 

In my bed

I enjoyed My trip

To my vacation

It was amazing

But tomorrow will be a new day

With so many trips


Jenny Griffin